Why We Celebrate Holidays

Posted Friday, July 26, 2013 by Unknown

Most of us celebrate holidays - Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day - but why?

Of course, we celebrate some holidays because of our religious beliefs. However, there are other reasons why we hold to these joyous occasions. These holidays break up the flow of the year and bind us together as families and communities.

Animated Halloween Props

We celebrate holidays because we want to have fun. We want a break from our quarterly schedules, jobs, etc. Without holidays our weeks would run together into years of humdrum mediocrity. What is October without children ringing our doorbells request for candy? What is November without turkey on the table and family colse to it? What is February with no heart-shaped boxes adorning the kitchen counter? The answer: boring months, I say.

Why We Celebrate Holidays

We also celebrate holidays because they are reasons to reconnect with family and long lost friends. Although we can make the endeavor to see family and close friends anytime, many people do not. Many people make holidays the times they reach out to other people. And not only is it leading to us to feel the warmth of family, we enjoy holidays because they bring out a sense of community. The bright red hearts decorating department stores in February, the blinking lights strung on lamp posts in December, these help us feel linked to something larger than ourselves.

In a world where get-togethers and barbecues do not happen as much as they used to in decades past. In a world where no one borrows sugar from his or her neighbor any longer or bakes a cake when someone moves on to the block, holidays tie us together.

I urge everybody to not throw holidays to the side of the street. Get out and decorate your home at Christmastime. Surprise your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend with a Valentine's Day gift. And right on have fun at Halloween. Even if you do not enjoy Halloween, I warrant the children in your neighborhood will appreciate you dressing up, putting a graveyard in your front yard and passing out candy.

Why We Celebrate Holidays

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